
STM Careers Focus of Recent Panel

So you know you love biology. Or you totally rock the world of chemistry. Maybe you excel with numbers. But you don't know exactly what careers are out there. You find yourself asking, if I major in a 阀杆 subject, what can I really do when I graduate? 

The School of Science, 技术, and Mathematics Undergraduate Research Committee recently held a panel discussion to expose Dalton State students to many of the opportunities they have with a 阀杆 degree, even if they don't continue on to graduate school. The event was sponsored by the Dalton State Foundation.

The program was attended by 82 students in addition to 12 professionals ranging from chemists to ecologists to logistics coordinators to a veterinarian. Twelve members of the STM faculty and staff, as well as Stephani Womack with Career and Professional Development, also attended the event. 

Students rotated among tables talking to the professionals, many of whom are alumni of Dalton State. Students were able to connect with professionals who had similar undergraduate experiences and who could encourage them to take on undergraduate research or internships that will help them professionally after graduation. 

Having students speak to professionals in small groups gave them a chance to gain more insight about particular careers. 

The committee hosts the panel each spring for STM students. It also hosts a graduate student panel in the fall so current students can meet with alumni who are in graduate school. 


posted 03/01/2018 in Uncategorized



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